Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai(IBBUL) is a modern, outward-looking institution, committed to engaging with the major issues of our times. A leading multidisciplinary university, IBBUL today is a true academic powerhouse. The University was established by the Niger State University Law of 2005 and commenced academic activities during the 2005/2006 academic session.We have a national reach and global vision. A good number of IBBU students come from within and outside Niger State, attracted from all over the country and even neigbouring countries. Much of the energy of IBBUL’s life comes from our students, who are clever, curious about the world and passionate about making a difference. Student life here is challenging. We provide opportunity and leadership in teaching and research, entrepreneurship, volunteering and general study. We admit excellent students – from all backgrounds – and we work with them to develop and excel.
Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai(IBBUL) is a modern, outward-looking institution, committed to engaging with the major issues of our times. A leading multidisciplinary university, IBBUL today is a true academic powerhouse. The University was established by the Niger State University Law of 2005 and commenced academic activities during the 2005/2006 academic session.We have a national reach and global vision. A good number of IBBU students come from within and outside Niger State, attracted from all over the country and even neigbouring countries. Much of the energy of IBBUL’s life comes from our students, who are clever, curious about the world and passionate about making a difference. Student life here is challenging. We provide opportunity and leadership in teaching and research, entrepreneurship, volunteering and general study. We admit excellent students – from all backgrounds – and we work with them to develop and excel. Read More